Instructions to Authors


Our website consists of "chapters" reviewing many aspects of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) theory and implementation. Our "charter contributors" are colleagues from Minnesota and elsewhere who are acknowledged experts in the subject areas reviewed. Our vision is to create a web site that can be used around the world as an electronic IPM textbook. Eventually, we hope this site will include hundreds of chapters relating to integrated pest management in the broadest sense (not just insect pest management). We invite contributions of chapters. Please e-mail us at [email protected] with proposed titles. Any aspect of integrated pest management is an appropriate subject. Different perspectives on the same subject are strongly encouraged. We are especially interested in receiving contributions from authors in other countries or with expertise not presently represented in our postings.

Instructions to Prospective Contributors

Our concept is that each chapter posted on our Web site should be written as if it were a lecture that you might present to upper level undergraduates and graduate students in an introductory integrated pest management course. Emphasize the aspect of integration in the context of pest management when presenting your topic (see course description above). Cover the topic in 5,000-7,000 words. Please do not include any copyrighted material. Chapters may be contributed at any time.

In general, we will follow the style and editorial guidelines of the Entomological Society of America. Use common names but on first reference to a species include scientific name (in italics) and author(s) set off by commas, e.g., green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Avoid acronyms, e.g., use European corn borer not ECB. Citations should be written as: Radcliffe 1994, Hutchison and Radcliffe 1995, Hutchison et al. 1996.

Take advantage of the fact that the Web is a highly visual and interactive medium. We invite you to submit high quality color pictures (we suggest 5-7) to illustrate your chapter. We can scan either color prints or 35 mm photographic slides. Tabular materials can present problems both in formatting and viewing and should therefore be kept to a minimum. Do not include more information in a table than would be appropriate for a projected slide in a lecture presentation.

Limit the number of references cited. We suggest that 10-15 would be appropriate for most chapters. Given the intended audience it will usually be preferable to reference review articles or book chapters appealing to a generalist audience. If choosing between alternative references to cite, please consider likely availability to the reader.

If you know of sites on the Web that should be linked with your chapter, please indicate URL address(es).

Text should be submitted as electronic files. We use Microsoft Word. If you use a different word processing package it may be helpful if you can convert your file to Word or WordPerfect. We will handle the conversion of files to HTML format. Files may be submitted electronically. Charter contributions will not be peer reviewed, but we encourage authors to seek the informal review of colleagues before submission.

Citation of Chapters

Our suggestion for citation of chapters contributed to this site is as follows:

Author(s). Date. Chapter Title. In E. B. Radcliffe and W. D. Hutchison [eds.], Radcliffe's IPM World Textbook, URL:, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.

Bartlett, Alan C. and Robert T. Staten. 1996. The Sterile Insect Release Method and Other Genetic Control Strategies. In E. B. Radcliffe and W. D. Hutchison [eds.], Radcliffe's IPM World Textbook, URL:, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.

For publication date we suggest using the date of last revision, this information is found at the end of each chapter. It is not possible to cite page numbers.

Additional Information: For further information on the preparation of "chapters" please send an e-mail to Bill Hutchison at [email protected].